ALL WIN Media creates information through book publishing, movie production, video distribution, etc., and provides consulting and production for entrepreneurs, creators, social entrepreneurs, innovators, activists, and so on.
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Feel close to you because it's a successful process
When you think about starting a business or managing a business, you always think about "advertising," "attracting customers," and "marketing."
However, no matter how much you think about "promotion," "attracting customers," and "marketing," if you fail to get started, everything will go wrong.
How many companies in the world today can survive 10 years after being born?
"Kenji Ogusu", who is also a "fighter" and a "healer", will ask you about such troubles with real experience.
Author Profile
Kenji Ogusu
Social entrepreneur / thinker
Former mixed martial arts prosciutto world featherweight 2nd place, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Asian Games championship
Established "NPO Jikosapo Japan" in 2012. It issues qualifications and has produced more than 1,600 qualified people in three years. Launched ALL WIN Media in 2015 to create and publish books, videos, WEB, and videos. 2016 Established "4th Business Method Research Institute" to foster social entrepreneurs through social business. 2017 Established The Change Co., Ltd. to build mental infrastructure nationwide. And he is sending out "How to become a happy genius, aerial thought theory" to the world.
Nice to meet you, my name is Kenji Ogusu.
We have published our second book, "Golden Button".
Unlike the previous book, this book is a book that tells everyone about the process from my own failure story to the present.
Does reading my experience change anything? I'm sure there are people who say that, but by reading it, you will not make the same mistakes as I do.
And by reading the secret story of my success process, everyone will be able to experience it.
Voice of recommendation
Sakurai "Mach" Hayato (Mixed Martial Artist)
There is a drama that can only be told by those who have succeeded, although the fields are different. I can sympathize with the tremendous hard work and constant effort to get the golden button of "publicness", and above all, the fact that nothing really changes. I hope you will read this book and use it as a guide for your future actions.
I look forward to the future success of Mr. Okusu, who continues to move forward as if he were predicting the future.
Bookstore sales at TUTAYA, IKEA Literature Museum, and Tanishimaya have started. It is installed in a special flat corner right at the entrance. With the understanding and cooperation of Hamamatsu City, lending has begun at all libraries in Hamamatsu City, and books have been donated to all junior high school libraries in Hamamatsu City.